Monday, December 27, 2010

But is it News??

So yeah, it is the week between Christmas and New Year, so perhaps we shouldn't expect to have any real breaking news.  But, the headline writers maybe should have found other things to write about.

First off, it seems "Obama Has Achieved Cigarette-Smoking Milestone."  That is some important political news there.  "I can report that it's been probably about 9 months since he last smoked a cigarette," White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said.  So the free world is so much safer now.

Then there was this story: "Obamas make rare trip to church."  Yep, the family went to church on the Sunday after Christmas.  This should definitely substantiate the case that the President is indeed a Christian, and again the free world is safer.

Makes one wonder if Sarah Palin will chime in on these revelations.  Doing such healthy things like quitting smoking and going to church would be along the lines of things that Sarah doesn't agree with.  Well, as long as the Obama's are doing them.  " Michelle Obama's initiative to improve children's health by encouraging better diets and sufficient exercise is mocked by Sarah Palin as just another intrusion by government into the daily lives of our citizens."

Can't wait to read what she will say in 140 characters or less on smoking and church...

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