Friday, December 17, 2010

How does that make you feel?

CNN Breaking News:  President Obama signs $858 billion measure that extends tax cuts for two years.  It probably makes the wealthiest Americans feel very, very happy.  Folks like Bill Gates, who is Forbes number one billionaire with $54B, are gushing with excitement.

But maybe Bill and the others won't show too much emotion.  A study in Psychological Science finds "affluent people -- in terms of income, social status and education -- have trouble detecting others' emotions."  The co-author Michael Kraus says, "They show a deficit in empathic accuracy."  So, they may not be dancing in the streets.

One would think that perhaps Forbes #97, George Lucas at $3.25B, would be able to show emotions.  Come on, he invented Yoda.  Now the rest of America, not able to make it to Forbes list, will show emotions -- but probably not happy ones.  "U.S. income inequality will exceed the records set in the months preceding the crash of 1929 and the financial crisis of 2007." 

Guessing that the Politicians who caused this should be happy too.  Wait, they are affluent people, too.  Nevermind

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