Thursday, December 16, 2010

Not sure if it is all that accurate put out poll results today that says only 29% think President Obama would win re-election, while 64% said they expected him to lose.  That is not too suprising.  These would be FAUX News viewers.  FAUX News likes to slant the news to meet their objectives (read - email instructing news staff to avoid the term "public option," and call it "government-run health insurance" or something about climate control).

So, it is not surprising that after displaying their Republican bias, FAUX News would be able to sway their viewers to believe that Obama has no chance.  Now, a NBC/WSJ poll found that 42% to 39% think Obama would beat a generic Republican candidate.

Is Huckabee generic enough?  What does he look like in a black and white plastic bag?

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