Monday, May 2, 2011


It is all over the news today:  the "greatest terrorist" in the world was killed last night by U.S. Armed forces.  But, there are some out there who don't think that good ol' bin Laden was the only terrorist.  Tony Perkins is President of the Washington, D.C.-based Family Research Council.  He thinks there are other terrorists lurking around.

He is an expert, though:  "back in the 80's and early 90's I worked with the state department in anti-terrorism."  And he knows the definition:  "it's a strike against the general populace simply to spread fear and intimidation so that they can disrupt and destabilize the system of government."  And who does Mr. Perkins think the terrorists are now?  The Homosexuals.  He says that the Homosexuals are using fear and intimidation so that they can disrupt and destabilize the system, the legal system that is.  (

So, now the Homosexuals are terrorists for wanting equality in things like marriage.  Interesting.  The reason Donald Trump doesn't support this equality?  He is a traditionalist.  He equates gay marriage with great golfers who use "unattractive" really long putters to sink three foot putts.  (JoeMyGod)

Does the Donald think that those who use long putters are terrorists too?

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