Tuesday, May 24, 2011

He seems to make the case...

In an op-ed today (on Faux News of all places), president and chief executive officer of Focus on the Family, Jim Daly wanted to tell everybody why allowing same-sex marriages is all wrong.  He decides to point out that things that might "improve the social welfare" do not always succeed.  Some have worked (woman’s suffrage and civil rights) but others have not (prohibition and no-fault divorce).  He thinks that same-sex marriage falls into that last group of things that would have to fail. (FoxNews.com)

For no-fault divorce, he states that it creates a "consequence of kids now growing up without a father in the home."  Or the expansion of welfare where "fathers no longer needed to be an integral part of the family." Doesn't the lack of same-sex marriage have other kids growing up without their two fathers in the house?

He also isn't in favor of legalized abortion in all 50 states.  He says that because of it, "the beauty of life has been cheapened" and child abuse has skyrocketed.  Not sure exactly how an increase in non-living children makes child abuse skyrocket, but how beautiful is life for living children who never get to see their two mothers happily wed?

He is not a huge fan of cohabitation because it "decreases a person’s appetite for marriage" and says a "home with two unmarried partners has proven to be the most dangerous place for children in the U.S."  Not really a strong argument for prohibiting same-sex marriage, people are fighting for the right to sate their appetite for marriage and provide a loving two-parent home for their children. 

Mr. Daly may need to re-Focus his family ideas.  None of his arguments make much sense for denying marriage equality.

May have to agree with him on Prohibition, though...

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