Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Oh Ahnald

Sure he is trying to protect marriage.  He twice vetoed laws that would have changed California's legal stance on same-sex marriage.  He was going to leave it to the courts.  (SFGate.com)

He will get his day in court, though.  And it won't be to save any marriages.  For now, he is separated from his wife and they are going to "decide on the future of their relationship." That's what you get for fathering a child with the maid, financially paying off the maid and supporting the child.  You probably get a divorce.  Your day in court.

During his 2003 run for governor, the Los Angeles Times reported accusations that he had a history of groping women. Schwarzenegger later said he "behaved badly sometimes." (Ottawa.ctv.ca)

Oh, yeah... He is behaving badly.

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