Friday, May 13, 2011

Music is what feelings sound like.

  ~Author Unknown

And obviously banning certain music is what hateful feelings sound like.  Just ask the Wasilla High School Principal, Dwight Probasco, how deep is his hate.  He told the symphonic jazz choir they couldn't sing "Bohemian Rhapsody" at this year's graduation because it was written by Freddie Mercury and isn't appropriate for the ceremony because Mercury was gay. (

Sounds a bit like bullying, doesn't it?  But if it is just the lyricist of a song that makes it "inappropriate" what about some other iconic songs?  Take for example "The Star-Spangled Banner."  Now, that lyricist, Francis Scott Key was an attorney and the VP of the American Bible Society.  Bet there are a few atheists who might not want that sung at some ceremonies and deem it "inappropriate". (

And what of "Amazing Grace"?  It was written by English poet and clergyman John Newton.  Newton was in the Royal Navy and participated in the slave trade.  Is "Amazing Grace" inappropriate then for certain ceremonies?  Perhaps ceremonies in African American venues? (

Now, we can't hate attorneys or former slave traders, so the beat goes on.  The hate for 'the gays' however is almost always present.  Except when attorneys step in.  Attorneys at the American Civil Liberties Union. 

Now the kids get to sing the song.

Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide,
No escape from reality

And should be no hate in music.

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