Monday, May 23, 2011

So Much Time, So Little Words

Now that we have all survived this past weekend's end of the world, there is going to be a lot of time on our hands.  So much time.  And what exactly did the Rev who predicted the end of the world have to say about his "miscalculation"?  Not a whole lot.

He told a reporter from the San Francisco Chronicle that he was "flabbergasted".  (  Which basically means he was overcome with surprise and bewilderment.  "I'm looking for answers ... But now I have nothing else to say."

Oh, and not much money either.

He caused such angst and stress this whole year, but he ain't got nothing else to say.  Keith Bauer, a 38-year-old tractor trailer driver maxed out credit cards and was sort of hoping the rapture would relieve him of his debt.  Robert Fitzpatrick, who spent $140,000 of his life savings for the rapture advertising, is dumbfounded.

And the Rev's Family Radio organization can't guarantee that the members will be reimbursed.  Maybe Camping hopes for another rapture so he can get out of debt, too.

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