Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Save the Date

The end of the world is starting on May 21st.  At least according to Family Radio Worldwide and their leader Harold Camping.  Rapture will be on Saturday and then those who don't make it into heaven will have 153 days of death and dying until it is all over in October.

So, what do those of us who are staying need to do?  Well, thankfully the Centers for Disease Control have put out guidelines:  "Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse." When all the walking dead are -- well walking around, the CDC wants you to be prepared.  Assistant Surgeon General Ali Khan instructs readers how to prepare for "flesh-eating zombies" with an emergency kit with water, food and other supplies.  He then suggests sitting down with family and coming up with an emergency plan.  This plan would be "where you would go and who you would call if zombies started appearing outside your doorstep." (

So, save the date.  If you go to heaven, have a nice time.  If not, get your kit and plan together and... well, watch "Night of the Living Dead" or play "Resident Evil."

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