Tuesday, May 24, 2011

He seems to make the case...

In an op-ed today (on Faux News of all places), president and chief executive officer of Focus on the Family, Jim Daly wanted to tell everybody why allowing same-sex marriages is all wrong.  He decides to point out that things that might "improve the social welfare" do not always succeed.  Some have worked (woman’s suffrage and civil rights) but others have not (prohibition and no-fault divorce).  He thinks that same-sex marriage falls into that last group of things that would have to fail. (FoxNews.com)

For no-fault divorce, he states that it creates a "consequence of kids now growing up without a father in the home."  Or the expansion of welfare where "fathers no longer needed to be an integral part of the family." Doesn't the lack of same-sex marriage have other kids growing up without their two fathers in the house?

He also isn't in favor of legalized abortion in all 50 states.  He says that because of it, "the beauty of life has been cheapened" and child abuse has skyrocketed.  Not sure exactly how an increase in non-living children makes child abuse skyrocket, but how beautiful is life for living children who never get to see their two mothers happily wed?

He is not a huge fan of cohabitation because it "decreases a person’s appetite for marriage" and says a "home with two unmarried partners has proven to be the most dangerous place for children in the U.S."  Not really a strong argument for prohibiting same-sex marriage, people are fighting for the right to sate their appetite for marriage and provide a loving two-parent home for their children. 

Mr. Daly may need to re-Focus his family ideas.  None of his arguments make much sense for denying marriage equality.

May have to agree with him on Prohibition, though...

Monday, May 23, 2011

So Much Time, So Little Words

Now that we have all survived this past weekend's end of the world, there is going to be a lot of time on our hands.  So much time.  And what exactly did the Rev who predicted the end of the world have to say about his "miscalculation"?  Not a whole lot.

He told a reporter from the San Francisco Chronicle that he was "flabbergasted".  (Yahoo.com)  Which basically means he was overcome with surprise and bewilderment.  "I'm looking for answers ... But now I have nothing else to say."

Oh, and not much money either.

He caused such angst and stress this whole year, but he ain't got nothing else to say.  Keith Bauer, a 38-year-old tractor trailer driver maxed out credit cards and was sort of hoping the rapture would relieve him of his debt.  Robert Fitzpatrick, who spent $140,000 of his life savings for the rapture advertising, is dumbfounded.

And the Rev's Family Radio organization can't guarantee that the members will be reimbursed.  Maybe Camping hopes for another rapture so he can get out of debt, too.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Oh Ahnald, Part II

The former governator has decided to "postpone all his movie projects that are currently under way or being negotiated until further notice."  He might need to concentrate on something else.  Although a stellar movie career would probably help pay the estimated $100,000 a month in spousal support and $40,000 or more a month in child support. ( HuffingtonPost.com)

Probably a good thing he had this taken care of before he gave up acting:

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Save the Date

The end of the world is starting on May 21st.  At least according to Family Radio Worldwide and their leader Harold Camping.  Rapture will be on Saturday and then those who don't make it into heaven will have 153 days of death and dying until it is all over in October.

So, what do those of us who are staying need to do?  Well, thankfully the Centers for Disease Control have put out guidelines:  "Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse." When all the walking dead are -- well walking around, the CDC wants you to be prepared.  Assistant Surgeon General Ali Khan instructs readers how to prepare for "flesh-eating zombies" with an emergency kit with water, food and other supplies.  He then suggests sitting down with family and coming up with an emergency plan.  This plan would be "where you would go and who you would call if zombies started appearing outside your doorstep." (FoxNews.com)

So, save the date.  If you go to heaven, have a nice time.  If not, get your kit and plan together and... well, watch "Night of the Living Dead" or play "Resident Evil."

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Oh Ahnald

Sure he is trying to protect marriage.  He twice vetoed laws that would have changed California's legal stance on same-sex marriage.  He was going to leave it to the courts.  (SFGate.com)

He will get his day in court, though.  And it won't be to save any marriages.  For now, he is separated from his wife and they are going to "decide on the future of their relationship." That's what you get for fathering a child with the maid, financially paying off the maid and supporting the child.  You probably get a divorce.  Your day in court.

During his 2003 run for governor, the Los Angeles Times reported accusations that he had a history of groping women. Schwarzenegger later said he "behaved badly sometimes." (Ottawa.ctv.ca)

Oh, yeah... He is behaving badly.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Music is what feelings sound like.

  ~Author Unknown QuoteGarden.com)

And obviously banning certain music is what hateful feelings sound like.  Just ask the Wasilla High School Principal, Dwight Probasco, how deep is his hate.  He told the symphonic jazz choir they couldn't sing "Bohemian Rhapsody" at this year's graduation because it was written by Freddie Mercury and isn't appropriate for the ceremony because Mercury was gay. (Frontiersman.com)

Sounds a bit like bullying, doesn't it?  But if it is just the lyricist of a song that makes it "inappropriate" what about some other iconic songs?  Take for example "The Star-Spangled Banner."  Now, that lyricist, Francis Scott Key was an attorney and the VP of the American Bible Society.  Bet there are a few atheists who might not want that sung at some ceremonies and deem it "inappropriate". (Wikipedia.org)

And what of "Amazing Grace"?  It was written by English poet and clergyman John Newton.  Newton was in the Royal Navy and participated in the slave trade.  Is "Amazing Grace" inappropriate then for certain ceremonies?  Perhaps ceremonies in African American venues? (Wikipedia.org)

Now, we can't hate attorneys or former slave traders, so the beat goes on.  The hate for 'the gays' however is almost always present.  Except when attorneys step in.  Attorneys at the American Civil Liberties Union. 

Now the kids get to sing the song.

Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide,
No escape from reality

And should be no hate in music.

A Rose By Any Other Name


Not that naming your child after some famous people is going to smell all that sweet.  Although, 473 babies in 2009 and 538 babies in 2010 had parents who thought it would be sweet for them to be named after two newly prominent Alaskans. (MotherJones.com)

According to the Social Security Department, 39 babies were named Palin in 2009, 25 in 2010.  In 2009, 434 babies were named Bristol and that jumped to 513 in 2010.  Not sure if that will get any of the babies into politics - or out of governorships - or on reality TV.

Now, to be honest, the number of babies born between 2008 and 2010 named Barack jumped considerably from 2007 - 5 vs 149.  That might be a little sweeter.

So do those 974 girls need to get "corrective jaw surgery" when they get older? (Not plastic surgery, she swears to Gawd TheHollywoodGossip)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Life in the Crosshairs

And worse then that, his life was in Sarah Palin's Crosshairs.  Amazon has details on the release of Levi Johnston's book about being in those crosshairs.  The book will be available September 27, 2011 and will only cost $15.51 if it is pre-ordered.  Hurry over to Amazon now! Click Here

Thursday, May 5, 2011

It's what you think is important

Because you have to look like a Kardashian to be abstinence spokeswoman:

Bristol Palin in 2010 (left) and Bristol Palin on May 3, 2011 (right)

"She seems to have had liposuction of her entire neck with a focus under her chin," plastic surgeon Dr. Brian Glatt  says in a press release, "which has produced a much more defined jaw line and lower facial area." (People.com)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

No Reality TV in the White House

And that is a good thing.  A Quinnipiac University survey released Wednesday indicates that 58 percent of the public says they would never vote for Sarah Palin. (TheDenverChannel.com) And an equal amount said they wouldn't vote for Donald Trump, either.

Neither have said, formally, that they are running.  It would definitely put a damper on their entertainment careers, one would think.  This makes the apprentices of the world and the Alaska wildlife very happy.

We might still see too much of them, though.  Today on Twitter, Palin tweeted that the photo of a dead bin Laden should be shown "as a warning to others seeking America's destruction." (@SarahPalinUSA)  A photo of a dead guy with bullets in his head, perfect.

A reality TV moment.

Monday, May 2, 2011


It is all over the news today:  the "greatest terrorist" in the world was killed last night by U.S. Armed forces.  But, there are some out there who don't think that good ol' bin Laden was the only terrorist.  Tony Perkins is President of the Washington, D.C.-based Family Research Council.  He thinks there are other terrorists lurking around.

He is an expert, though:  "back in the 80's and early 90's I worked with the state department in anti-terrorism."  And he knows the definition:  "it's a strike against the general populace simply to spread fear and intimidation so that they can disrupt and destabilize the system of government."  And who does Mr. Perkins think the terrorists are now?  The Homosexuals.  He says that the Homosexuals are using fear and intimidation so that they can disrupt and destabilize the system, the legal system that is.  (GoodAsYou.org)

So, now the Homosexuals are terrorists for wanting equality in things like marriage.  Interesting.  The reason Donald Trump doesn't support this equality?  He is a traditionalist.  He equates gay marriage with great golfers who use "unattractive" really long putters to sink three foot putts.  (JoeMyGod)

Does the Donald think that those who use long putters are terrorists too?