Friday, February 10, 2012

Well, What I Meant to Say...

In our current era of politics, we do get to hear a lot about what they "meant" to say.  But generally, the first thing out of someone's mouth is what they really mean and the second thing is said to smooth over and make everyone think that it's all going to be ok.  Rick Santorum is doing that today.
First, what came out of his mouth was:  "But I do have concerns about women in front-line combat, I think that could be a very compromising situation."  And in the same breath said it was because "emotions that are involved."  (

What he meant to say... after NBC's Ann Curry suggested that some had interpreted his original remarks to be a commentary on "women being emotional," wasn't that he was blaming women for emotions but, rather, how "men would react to seeing women in harm's way, or potentially being injured or in a vulnerable position, and not being concerned about accomplishing the mission."  So, see, what he meant to say is that men wouldn't be able to handle women in combat...

Then, on another occasion, not trying to hurt women again, he said that the Affordable Care Act providing birth control was not "about contraception.  It's about government control of your lives and it's got to stop."  (  He probably meant to say that.  But, that doesn't follow what he has said before.

What he said at the beginning of the year has a lot to do with government control of lives.  He said that he would pass a nationwide law that would define marriage as that one man - one woman type and "any now-legal same-sex marriages would be invalid."  (

So, what he meant to say is... whatever I believe is the only truth and I will do whatever I want when you elect me.   So There!

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