Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The War on Women

It started with the contraception issue and now continues, pathetically, in the state of Virginia.  "The Virginia legislature has passed a bill that will force women seeking an abortion to undergo a medically unnecessary trans vaginal ultrasound." (  That is a true birds-eye view of the uterus and surrounding organs, for no real medical reason, meant probably to embarrass and change the mind of the woman.

And back to the contraception issue in the war.  "As part of the same package, the legislature also enacted a 'personhood' law that would define life to begin at the stage of a fertilized egg, even before implantation, and hence would outlaw many forms of contraception and all abortions."  Amazing what a state can do. And as the author of this Huff Post article, Tobias Barrington Wolf, so rightly says "Every person who has a body should view this law as a direct assault. So, too, should every person who believes that women are human beings."

Because women aren't supposed to be human beings (?).  Most "public policies are responsive to the priorities and sensibilities of men."  The thought of a law that required men to have "an invasive rectal probing and prostate exam, for no medical reason, before obtaining a prescription for Viagra" would never get very far.

Although... it is a good thought.

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