Monday, February 27, 2012

Doing What You Are Good At...

Or not.  There is a list of things that Sarah Palin has done and is doing.  She has not really been good at doing any of them.  Her most obvious fail, of course, was her run as Vice President with John McCain.  And then there was that Governorship up in Alaska that she quit at with 18 months left to serve.  (

And yeah, she gets paid a lot of money to be an "Analyst" on Fox News.  But when she announced that she was not going to run for President in 2012, something else she might fail at, she was blasted by Fox News Chief Roger Ailes.  He told Newsweek that he hired Palin when she was "hot," and her announcement on Mark Levin's conservative talk-radio program deprived Fox News of a ratings bonanza.  Palin hasn't turned into the television asset Ailes had hoped... and might  not be there after her contract is up in 2013.  (

Now, Juliann Moore, who is playing Palin in the movie “Game Change" on HBO, doesn't think it is all Sarah's fault.  She thinks it is the McCain campaign to blame.  "They were telling her what to do and how to dress. And how to behave,” Moore said. (

So, then what can Sarah do?  Well, apparently, she can't even play herself.  At least according to the Golden Raspberry Award Foundation, or the Razzie's.  The Razzie's highlight the duds of U.S. cinema.  The former Alaska governor snagged a nomination for worst actress while playing herself in the documentary, “The Undefeated.”  (

What should Sarah do?  Not be Vice President, Governor, President, TV Analyst - or even herself.  Maybe she will just have to go away, then...

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