Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Will the REAL Bullies Please Stand Up

According to the President of the United States "We have an obligation to ensure that our schools are safe for all of our kids."  So, along those lines, the U.S. Department of Education released a statement Tuesday, Oct. 26, that addresses bullying and discrimination in our nation's schools.

But not everybody feels that the schools need to be safe for all the kids.  Mission America's Linda Harvey: "Communities must not allow themselves to be manipulated into supporting pro-homosexual bullying prevention plans, and believers in Jesus Christ need to stand up against this corruption of youth." (

So it's ok to bully, in the name of Jesus Christ.  "[L]ocal parents and communities need to resist enforced political correctness." ( Or perhaps it is not really the Christians that are causing the bullying.  Family Research Council President Tony Perkins thinks that homosexuality is "abnormal," and kids know it, which leads them to despair.  So, that's why the kill themselves. (

And Linda Harvey, president of Mission America, thinks "Traditional morality is not responsible for harassing speech. Are healthy nutrition programs or the First Lady's anti-obesity initiative responsible for slurs and insults to overweight students? Of course not."  (

So, let's not manipulate anybody into not bullying, let's not enforce political correctness, let's just keep letting everybody know that it is "abnormal." 

Not sure if healthy nutrition programs are quite the same as harassing speech, though.

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