Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Does This Make Rush a Muslim??

Or maybe, George too wasn't allowed to be President for some birther reason?  And perhaps Sarah is really not the patriot she claims to be?  Why all the questions?  Well is reporting today that Rush Limbaugh, George W. Bush and Sarah Palin are all relatives of... Barack Obama! family-ties

Obama and Palin are 10th cousins. Obama and Limbaugh are 10th cousins, once removed.  Obama and Bush are 11th cousins.  Wow, blood is thicker than water.  So the family traits must run through them all.  Wait, no... those other three would be the black sheeps of the family.

Obama is also related to Dick Cheney, 8th cousins.  Obama was ok with that but he did say he didn't "want to be invited to the family hunting party."

We are Family...

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