Friday, October 15, 2010

It Ain't Misogyny

Phyllis Chesler has a story on today about "Why Women Still Won't Vote for Women."  She shows, in three races, there is a big difference in the female vote between the men who are running and the women.  She says it is primarily because women "still expect women to behave in 'feminine' or maternal ways."  Or that it is perhaps that "woman do not like another woman getting more attention."
But maybe it isn't what Dr. Chesler thinks.  Maybe it is just that these women she points out are batsh*t crazy! 

Linda McMahon, a Republican in Connecticut, who is losing 27% of female votes to Richard Blumenthal, "put profits before people" as the CEO of the World Wrestling Entertainment franchise. 

Sharron Angle, losing 18% to Harry Reid in Nevada, thinks Sharia law (read: Muslim law) has taken over Dearborn, Michigan, and a town in Texas that doesn't exist.

And then there is Christine O'Donnell who is 33% down to Chris Coons in Deleware.  The list is endless - witchcraft, masturbation, "I am you."

What about GOP Gov. Jan Brewer's threat to "raise questions about whether her opponent, state Attorney General Terry Goddard, is gay," because of questions regarding the governor’s health.  (

Or Republican Senate candidate, Carly Fiorina, who said every speech should begin with a shot of tequila. (

Of course there is the "Mama Grizzly", although she isn't running, she might be the batsh*ttiest.

So this ain't hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women. This is run for your life, the looney bin has exploded.

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