Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Oh, the Hypocrisy of it all...

So, let's talk politics.  Today, Newt Gingrich won an endorsement for his political attempt from the American Family Association, well their chairman emeritus, anyway.  (TheHill.com)  That says a lot.  It says a lot of hypocrisy.

Look at "About AFA" on their website, they say they spur activism directed to the Preservation of Marriage and the Family.  They also try to "convince individuals of sin and challenge them to seek Christ’s grace and forgiveness."  (AFA)

Maybe, Newtie has sought Christ's grace and forgiveness.  But he hardly seems the "right guy" to be endorsed by this group.  "Gingrich is currently married to Callista Gingrich, his third wife. He divorced Jackie Battley, his first wife in 1980, after having an affair with Marianne Ginther, whom he later married in 1981. They got divorced in 2000 following a long-term affair with his current wife, whom he married later that year."  (HuffPost)

Now, he did get another endorsement...  Ashley Madison, a "pro-adultery" website whose slogan is "Life is short. Have an affair," seems to endorse him too.  (HuffPost)

Fits better

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