Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Cards

They go out every year about this time (or actually a bit earlier if you are prepared).  But, not everybody is happy with every card.  Sarah Palin has some things to say about The Obama Family holiday card in an article on Fox News Radio.  (HuffPost)

The card has a picture of Obamas' dog, Bo, sitting in a very Christmas-like setting, with a fireplace decorated with wreaths and red ribbons, and a table with a poinsettia plant and presents. Sarah says that it is "odd".  She is wondering why the president's Christmas card highlights his dog instead of traditions like 'family, faith and freedom.'"

Doesn't having a nice, warm hearth and a cozy dog show something about freedom and family?  Inside the card it says "From our family to yours, may your holidays shine with the light of the season," signed by the Obamas and Bo. There's some family for you.

But, Sarah is entitled to her opinion.  Makes you wonder what her opinion about the Fox News holiday card is.  Not a whole lot of family, faith or freedom on that one.  A picture of a fox, racing competitors (ABC, CBS, NBC) on sleds being pulled by sheep - with Fox in the lead.As for the poem inside, this year it is to the tune of Joy To The World and features lyrics like:

“We are the ones to beat
Defeat we shall not meet
So into the background the rest do retreat.”

I guess Fox and Sarah will just let this one slide.

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