Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Marriage is NOT the Thing

So, in the U.S. less than half of those over the age of 18 are married.  Those getting married in 2010 were 5% less than those who got hitched in 2009.  And "the overall number of married couples has declined by more than 20 percentage points since 1960."   (HuffPost)

Now, Rick Santorum (go ahead, google his name) blames this marriage decline on allowing same-sex marriage and redefining marriage.  His tweet “Here is 1 effect of changing definition of marriage “@HuffingtonPost: Marriage rate in America drops to new low”. (LezGetReal

But good ol' Rick might just be wrong.  There has been a drop since 1960.  Well, then something else must have been going on between 1960 and 2004.  "Until 2004, same-sex couples couldn’t wed anywhere in the country." (StateLine) The definition of marriage didn't change until then.

ThinkProgress points out, the survey does not attribute the decline to same-sex marriage, but to a variety of other social factors: "other kinds of living arrangements that are socially acceptable: living on your own, or even living as a single parent; getting an education done and launching a career before marriage.”

But leave up to good ol' Frothy to blame teh gays.

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