Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Just Sniping

Marriage equality does garner the thought that somebody is going to get shot in a wheat field, right?  North Carolina's Family Policy Council wants everybody to think that.  They want everybody to believe that if an upcoming vote on a constitutional ban on gay marriage doesn't go their way, gays are just going to shoot unsuspecting heterosexual couples. (JoeMyGod)

Now the council says it is a "nonpartisan, nonprofit research and education organization dedicated to the preservation of the family and traditional family values."  But they also say they support values "which are embodied in the Ten Commandments and in the founding documents of our nation."  That sort of sounds like a Christian organization.  When you use the commandments to make your point, it makes it seem that.  (

Haven't heard of any sniping in states where marriage equality is legal.

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