Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Yabba, Dabba, Do

So to say that Tennessee has some issues dealing with social topics is an understatement.  They have problems with women.  And losing the head basketball coach ain't it.  Republican candidate Garry Loe said he wholeheartedly supports women on the issues of housing, education and jobs, but is absolutely an anti-abortion advocate.  (RhrealityCheck.org)

Tennessee also wants to protect gun rights.  Even when it is illegal.  Tennessee Republican Tea Party lawmaker Jeremy Faison is pushing a bill that would protect gun owners who just “didn’t see” a sign prohibiting guns. So if there is a sign that says "No Guns", this law would "give gun owners a defense in cases where they didn’t see a sign prohibiting guns.” (TheNewCivilRightsMovement.com)

Then there's gay rights.  There was a "controversial bill in Tennessee meant to restrict public school discussion of sexuality and LGBT issues."  They didn't want anybody to say "gay".  But, that might not happen now.  The key GOP sponsor announced on Monday that he simply wouldn't bring it up. (HuffingtonPost.com)

So maybe things are looking up in Tennessee.  Perhaps Fred and Barney should still stay away.  Probably wouldn't be able to have a "gay ol' time" there anyway.

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